Election Officer Information

Who Can Serve?

Registered Republicans and Democrats in Jefferson County. Voters registered as another party or independent can apply and may be used in certain situations. A recent change in your affiliation may affect eligibility.


Election officers work on Election Day. Each election officer is compensated $40.00 for attending a 2.5-hour training session before Election Day and $259.00 for working Election Day.

When are the Elections?

Primary Election: No scheduled election in 2025

General Election: No scheduled election in 2025

How to Apply?

Click link: EasyVote Pollworker

Important Information:

  • Must be team oriented with exceptional customer service skills
  • Must follow procedures and laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
  • Must be able to attend a 2.5-hour training session before EACH election
  • Must provide own transportation to and from training session and polling location
  • Must report to the polling location on Election Day by 5:15 a.m.

Duties will include:

  • Arranging polling location with all the necessary election materials and voting equipment
  • Ensuring privacy for each voter and security in the voting process
  • Opening polling location for voters by 6:00 a.m.
  • Assisting voters as needed
  • Treating every voter with respect and courtesy
  • Closing the polling place after the last voter in line at 6 p.m. has voted
  • Completing all necessary paperwork and returning all election materials
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